Mini Cake Doughnuts | Simple and Sweet

Mini Cake Doughnuts Recipe

Sometimes it is the most uncomplicated of things that are the most enjoyable.  Take these little cake doughnuts for example.  As if performing slight of hand magic, a few ingredients are stirred together in a bowl, spoonfuls dropped into hot … Continue reading

Malted Vanilla Ice Cream with Peanut Brittle and Chocolate Pieces

Malted Vanilla Ice Cream with Peanut Brittle and Chocolate Pieces Recipe

This recipe will not come as a surprise to anyone who remembers this post I wrote back in April.  The gist of the post was how I was lamenting a scooping blunder that transpired at the famous Bi-Rite Creamery.  I … Continue reading

Lemon Meringue Ice Cream

Lemon Meringue Ice Cream Recipe

The memory of certain taste sensations linger long past the moment we experience them.  Such is the encounter I had with this tangy ice cream.  Nearly sixteen years ago I stumbled upon this recipe in Gourmet magazine.  I was intrigued … Continue reading