Pumpkin Bread with Brown Butter Maple Glaze

Pumpkin Bread with Brown Butter Maple Glaze RecipeThis pumpkin bread almost didn’t happen.  It was destined to be an utter failure. I messed up big time when I was executing what is actually a very straight-forward recipe. I’m willing to wage a bet that you too have made the same mistake I made when stirring together the ingredients for this awesome bread.  I inadvertently omitted the baking soda.  Yikes!  Five minutes after placing the loaf pans into the oven, I took a peak to see how things were looking.  Something seemed off.  Call it baker’s intuition.  I quickly realized that the only leavening agent I had added to the batter was egg, and with years of baking experience under my belt, I knew that couldn’t be right.  In a panic, I rushed to my recipe and quickly scanned the list of ingredients.  And there it was, staring right back at me in black in white – 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking soda.
pumpkin-bread-w-brown-butter-maple-glaze-lr-8176Pumpkin Bread with Brown Butter Maple Glaze RecipeWhat to do?  In a last ditch effort to salvage the ingredients and the time and effort that went into those two loaves of pumpkin bread, I did what every baker would do.  I pulled the pans from the oven, dumped the batter back into a mixing bowl, stirred in the baking soda, divided the batter between the pans once again, and popped them back into the oven.  Whew!  But did it work?  Surprisingly, yes it did!  As I sunk my teeth into a warm, lightly spiced and nutty slice of bread, I was glad I took the risk.  Of course, adding forgotten ingredients to a recipe once it has begun the baking process isn’t always going to work.  However, if you ever find yourself in that situation, be bold!  What do you have to lose?
Pumpkin Bread with Brown Butter Maple Glaze RecipePumpkin Bread with Brown Butter Maple Glaze Recipe



Inspired by:  Farmer John’s Favorite Pumpkin Bread


2 thoughts on “Pumpkin Bread with Brown Butter Maple Glaze

  1. Oh the baking mistakes I have made! Usually I am distracted and need to focus.
    Great save! I am grateful to be sitting at my desk, warm and cozy. My hot coffee would benefit greatly from a slice of the Pumpkin Bread with the lush maple glaze! A perfect ode to fall.

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